Friday, December 15, 2006

Chaters 12-15

In chapter 12, Jonas rides his bike to the Annex Room with Fiona, but when Fiona goes to her job, Jonas notices the thing that he thinks is Seeing Beyond. He looks at her and he sees her hair change. Her hair changes just for a moment and then it goes back to normal. Then he goes into the Annex Room and asks The Giver about him Seeing Beyond. The Giver said that he saw that Jonas had the capacity to do what he explained happened. The Giver said that, to confirm that Jonas is Seeing Beyond, he must go back to the sled and snow memory and look down at the sled. In the memory Jonas looked down and he saw the same thing that he he saw with the apple, crowd, and Fiona's hair. Then Jonas awakened and he said that he saw it with the sled and The Giver told him that he was seeing the color red. Jonas didn't know what the concept red or the concept of color was. Then The Giver gave Jonas the memory of a rainbow.
In chapter 13, Jonas explains that it is not fair that there are no colors in the community. Then they perceived that it was a good idea not to have everyone have color in their lives. Then they had a lengthy talk about if Jonas would have a spouse one day. Some of the days The Giver would tell Jonas to go because he is in pain and one day Jonas asked The Giver about the pain that The Giver had been in. Then The Giver told Jonas to lie down on his back and started to give him a memory. The memory that The Giver gave Jonas was a memory of shooting of animals and Jonas could not stand it. Now Jonas knew what The Giver had said about pain.
In chapter 14, Jonas is in the same memory as the sled and the snow. When the sled starts to go downhill on the sled, he hits a bump and he falls off his sled and lands awkwardly on his leg and hears a crack. He was experiencing the memory of pain. He sat there for a while and was in excruciating pain. He got up and was able to get out of the memory and come back into the Annex Room and was perfectly fine. He hated that memory. That was sort of the same pain as what the memory of shooting was but that was mental pain and this was physical pain and they both hurt. After this memory, Jonas asked The Giver for pain-relief medicine, but The Giver said no because it was in the rules that Jonas should never take any medicine that would help anything related to his job. Then Jonas asked why they should keep the memories of pain and The Giver told him wisdom, and he told him everything he could about it. When Jonas goes home to his dwelling he finds out that Gabe is doing just fine and they might not have to release him. Then his father says that there is going to be twins that are coming and on is going to go to Elsewhere and the other is going to stay within the community. Then when he goes to bed that night with Gabe at his side in his crib, he starts to cry, and Jonas accidentally gives off one of his peaceful memories to Gabe and he falls quietly to sleep.
In chapter 15, Jonas goes to the Annex Room and in it The Giver says to Jonas:

"Please," he gasped, "take some of the pain."

As instructed Jonas falls into the memory of The Giver and learns what the word warfare means. Jonas thought warfare was one of the worst things to do.

Do you agree with Jonas or do u have your own feelings about warfare?


Anonymous said...

Eric s
yes i a agree with jonas whatabout you

Eric V

Anonymous said...

Eric S

I agree jonas what about you do you agree with jonas

Eric V

Anonymous said...

Eric S

ya think that war far is sad

Anonymous said...

yea i think warfare is sad

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

yup. i totally agree, the warefare was depressing